Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Summer Frustrations

I am so frustrated that I don't have enough time to learn everything I want this summer. After ISTE, I got enamored with Web 2.0 tools and their applications in the classroom. To that end, I joined Twitter and have been bookmarking blogs and articles of interest. I have made a Google Doc of interesting things I want to explore further. My mind is overflowing with ideas...
Can't keep it all in my already 60+ year old overcrowded brain...just have to use these online tools to keep it all organized. There is so much I want to share with my colleagues...hope they are as interested and excited as I am.

And Google...there is SO much it earth, google maps, google sketchup, Google Lit trips, Forms, Google Docs, Google groups (like Yahoo groups I think). Do you know I just found a Jewish Educators Google Group at

There is so much...Can't wait to share it all...